CUSTODIAN project presented at RM Forum

Our colleagues Elena Fenili and Francesco Stortiero from GFM participated in RM Forum presenting in their booth the CUSTODIAN activities and the results achieved while working to solve PBF-LB/M challenges in industry.

RM Forum is a forum dedicated to Advanced Manufacturing technologies and it took place in Arese on 28/29th September.

Another CUSTODIAN partner, Maurizio Vedani from Politecnico di Milano , was also there giving a talk about the work done in the last period.

All the results achieved in the CUSTODIAN project were obtained with the support and collaboration with the different partners of the project: AIDIMME. Instituto Tecnológico, Cailabs, GFM, AIMEN Centro Tecnológico, Politecnico di Milano, New Infrared Technologies, Precitec – Laser Material Processing, Marelli and secpho.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 825103. CUSTODIAN project is an initiative of the Photonics Public Private Partnership
