Final streak! The CUSTODIAN project ends with 3 special activities to spread its amazing results

After more than 3 years of hard work, the custodian team comes to present the results of the new methodologies developed throughout the project.

During the last 2 days of August 2 technical webinars and 1 workshop will be open to the industrial attendees that want to know about the new methodologies developed. The idea of this activities is to explain a methodology of application-driven laser beam, by tailoring the material microstructure and deploying this beam to solve hot-cracking in LBW (Laser Beam welding) and PBF-LB/M (Powder Bed Fusion with a Laser Beam on Metal).

The CUSTODIAN final workshop will be an interesting summary in which all the results of the custodian project will be presented in depth with use cases for each of the 3 methodologies analyzed during the project: LBW, PBF and Laser cutting.

All the scientific and technological experts from the different institutions that have participated in the CUSTODIAN project will be involved in this project in order to give explanations and solve doubts regarding the new discoveries and methodologies applied along the project.

The expected duration for each activity is of about 1,5 – 2 hours, covering general topics about each process and the related materials of main interest within the CUSTODIAN project.


You can register to the workshop here.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 825103. CUSTODIAN project is an initiative of the Photonics Public Private Partnership
