Internal online exploitation workshop

In June 2021, Cailabs has organized an online workshop to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) for each exploitable result. A pre-workshop survey with the consortium partners confirmed the 7 identified exploitable results.

The workshop was based on the manual thinking methodology, with the aim of making people from different backgrounds (academic, RTOs, manufacturers and end-users) develop together a common vision and strategy over the results of the project. Due to the global Covid-19 pandemic the workshop took place virtually and was carried out with the online videoconference tool Zoom and its seperate working goup rooms in combination with Mural that served for the virtual manual thinking process.

A total of 16 participants, representing all project partners, attended the workshop, and small groups of 4 to 6 participants worked on the SWOT matrix of each result. This analysis builds the base for our work during the upcoming months, when the Custodian consortium partners will continue developing the exploitation strategy and business plan for the results.
