Meet our Partners behind the scenes: Cailabs

Meet the team of Cailabs behind the scenes. Check out the video and get to know get to know Gwenn Pallier, Project and Product Manager and Pierre Vernaz-Gris, Technical Project Leader.

As a company, the role of Cailabs within the Custodian project is to design and manufacture the laser beam shaping modules providing the optimal beam shape. This optimal shape has been determined by our partner from Vienna University of Technology, who calculated the right spatial energy profile thanks to numerical simulations. Being able to produce this optimal shape will lead to the solving of hot cracking issues in Laser Beam Welding of stainless steels and Selective Laser Melting of nickel-based superalloys. This beam shaper is based on our patented technology: Multi Plane Light Conversion (MPLC).

Cailabs succeeded in reproducing the right target shapes. For this purpose, the company designed multiple static beam shapers, for each of the wanted shapes. All of them are currently in a high-power test phase, with the aim to determine the influence of dimensional parameters of the beam shape on the processes. Those modules have been delivered to AIMEN and AIDIMME for first applied process tests. Simultaneously, Cailabs is developing a dynamic beam shaping solution to enable a real time beam shape modification over the process.
