Second online exploitation workshop

The 2nd exploitation workshop of Custodian was held in February 2022 online following a series of interviews organized by Cailabs with each member of the consortium regarding their interest in exploiting the results of the project. The online workshop gathered 22 participants representing all project partners, and aimed to develop together a path for the exploitation of each identified exploitable result after the end of the project.

The participants worked together to imagine what a successful commercial exploitation could be for each result, and to identify the steps to achieve this success: actions, milestones, costs and resources needed, and how to finance them. These brainstorms will pave the way to a clear exploitation plan for each exploitable result.

After the successful first exploitation workshop in virtual format, the partners used again the manual thinking methodology to develop together a common vision and strategy over the results of the project. As virtual working tools served the online videoconference tool Zoom and its seperate working goup rooms in combination with Mural providing the digital whiteboard for the virtual manual thinking process. You can see examples of the some working group results below:

