Successful second consortium meeting in Milano

Last week, on 28th of May, 2019 CUSTODIAN organised the second consortium project meeting in Milano, Italy.  This new meeting was coordinated by Politecnico di Milano ( polimi) as host with the collaboration of GFM. This second time we met with the aim of sharing the progress of the first six months of the project.

During the second face-to-face partners’ meeting, they briefly presented their progress on the project, reviewed and analyzed the next steps to be followed during CUSTODIAN and the preferences for the consortium’s activities in the future. During the first day in polimi installations we visited their laboratories and the second day we visited the two GFM production plant, the first one in Mapello and the second one in Nembro.

The project was launched by 10 European companies which involves the entire value chain from metallurgical sector, under the Horizon 2020 project funded by the Europea Comission. The consortium committe consisted of the following cluster delegates:

  • Luis Portoles and Mario Martínez from Aidimme.
  • Andrea Sevilla from secpho.

The next meeting will be in Vienna in November.
