Third consortium meeting in Vienna after first project year

Last week, on 11 and 12 December 2019 CUSTODIAN organised the third consortium project meeting in Vienna, Austria.  This third meeting was hosted by our project partner TuWien.

During the third face-to-face partners’ meeting, we briefly presented our progress on the project, reviewed and analyzed the next steps to be followed during CUSTODIAN and the preferences for the consortium’s activities in the future. In addition, we visited as well the TU Wien facilities and their laboratories, having a closer look at their different laser systems, such as their CO2 Laser; Robot for laser welding; Excimer laser system which is ideal for processing polymers or any other organic materials thanks to its short wavelength; and their Femto pulse laser system used for microstructuring of materials to modify the functionalization of surfaces of the material’s properties.

As usual, our consortium meetings also include a social part, experiencing some cultural insights of the hosting city: This time, we have visited the cosy Spittelberg Christmas market and finished the day with a delicious dinner at Spittelberg.

In addition to the general technical meeting, our consortium also used the opportunity to present the project progress of the first year to our External Expert Advisory Board, represented by Vojislav Petrovic-Filipovic from Joanneum Reaearch Forschungsgesellschaft, Alexander Kaplan from Technical University of Luleå and Jesús Jiménez Palacios from Valeo. A good opportunity to show the work done so far, and to get some advice and valuable contributions for next actions, both from the technical and exploitation points of view.

All in all, the meeting showed that our consortium has made a huge progress during the first project year. However, it is essential to have personal meetings like this in order to understand the details of every partner’s work package and to adjust on time to each other’s needs and requirements in order to work as efficient as possible on the development of the disruptive methodology in the laser-based manufacturing applications. Moreover, the consortium took the decision to direct the project’s focus not only on Laser Beam welding and Selective Laser Melting, but also Laser Cutting.

Thanks again to all project partners for your valuable contributions last week:

  • Luis Portoles and Mario Martínez from Aidimme.
  • Daniel Gesto, Jorge Arias and Andrés Vicente from Aimen.
  • Maurizio Vedani  from Polimi.
  • Sabine Runge from secpho.

And special thanks to our hosts: Rodrigo Gómez, Andreas Otto, Verena Dolovai, Christian F. Stiglbrunner, Pierre Bony Henri Drobniak and Michele Buttazzoni from TuWien.

The next meeting will be in Rennes in May 2020. We are curious about the project progress during the upcoming months.
